
Óengus crobderg cathach rí

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Versified genealogy (6 couplets) of Óengus Crobderg, chief of the ‘Éoganacht of Gabra’, i.e. Uí Chonaill Gabra branch of Uí Fhidgenti. It belongs to a group of genealogical poems that are attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara.

Manuscript witnesses

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 2 
context: Éoganacht poems attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara   rubric: D'Eoganach Gabra so   incipit: Oengas Croibdeag [sic] cathach rig   
f. 214vb  
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 2 
context: Éoganacht poems attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara   rubric: Duilti sloindti na ngaed. is friu certaigter na genelaigi Luchred meic .h. Chiarda int eges is e do-rad in snaithi coimgni foita indso’   incl. Cú cen máthair, Dúngal Raithlind rui a chuirn, Áed Bennán bruth rígi ríg, Fáelgus Nad Fráech febda cland, Amalgaid Énna én ar gart, Éogan án éo cautmai cáem, Óengus crobderg cathach rí   
in section: f. 214va–f. 214vb
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 12 
context: Éoganacht poems attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara   rubric: D'Eoganacht Gabra   incipit: Oengus Croibdearg cathach rí   
f. 173(98)rc  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context: Éoganacht poems attributed to Luccreth moccu Chíara   rubric: D'Eoganacht Glennamnach   incipit: Oengus Crobderg cathach ri   
f. 81ra.24ff  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context:    rubric: Incipit de genelogia Sil Ebir   incipit: Imprudens Scottorum genus rerum suarum obliuiscens acta quasi inaudita   incl. Cú cen máthair, Dúngal Raithlind rui a chuirn, Clann Ailella Oluim uill, Áed Bennán bruth rígi ríg, Fáelgus Nad Fráech febda cland, Amalgaid Énna én ar gart, Éogan án éo cautmai cáem, Óengus crobderg cathach rí   Contents: (a) a brief Latin preface; (b) genealogical prose for Mug Nuadat and Ailill Ólomm, incl. (c) genealogical poem beg. Clann Ailella Auluimb uill (8qq, f. 80rb-va); (d) genealogies of the descendants of Éogan Mór (Éoganacht); (e) pedigree of Cathal mac Finguine, headed Gen. Eoganachta Caissil (f. 80va.56); (f) section headed Incipiunt duili sluinti na ngenelach ar is friu certaigter na genelaige ⁊ Luccraid moccu Chiara do bretha snaithi coimgne tria filidecht foithib (vb.30), followed by a series of verses attr. to Luccreth moccu Chíara and headings for six of them: (f1) poem beg. Cu cen mathair (36qq); (f2) Gen. Eoganachta Locha Lein (81ra.12): verse beg. Aed Bennan / bruth rigi rig (3½qq); (f3) De Eoganacht Raithlind (ra.15): verse beg. Dungal Raithlind / rui a chuirn (2½qq); (f4) De Eoganacht Caissil (ra.18): verse beg. Faelgus Nad Fráech / febda cland (2½qq); (f5) De Eoganacht Aine (ra.21): verse. beg. Amalgaid Enna / en ar gart (2½qq); (f6) D'Eoganacht Glennamnach (ra.24): verse. beg. Óengus Crobderg / cathach rí (3qq); and finally (f7) De hUib Cairpri (ra.28): verse beg. Eogan an / eo cautmai caem (4qq). Ed. CGH 192–204.
in section: f. 80r(147)b.30–f. 81r(149)a
